Negotiation Tactics from Hamilton: The Room Where It Happens
This past weekend I was fortunate to attend Hamilton for an in-person Broadway performance in San Francisco. (In support of pandemic protocols, it was required all attendees to wear masks throughout and present proof of vaccination or negative COVID test within 72 hours).
The Hamilton Musical is a popular sung-and-rapped musical by a diverse cast about America’s Founding Fathers. Through watching it 4 times now, I have been captivated by Alexander Hamilton’s influence as Secretary of the Treasury to George Washington, avid writer of early American ideals, and creator of the National Monetary System.
One song is called “The Room Where It Happens” where Hamilton (Secretary of Treasury), Thomas Jefferson (Secretary of State) and James Madison (Member of House of Representatives) negotiate the Compromise of 1790 during a private dinner. However, the song is sung from those with a perspective from outside of the room, where Aaron Burr, a New York Politician, is frustrated with his inability to actively participate in the conversations.
The song “The Room Where It Happens” gives important insight into leadership and influence during a critical negotiation:
1. Encourage tolerance and collaboration instead of disagreement
“Two Virginians and an immigrant walk into a room / Diametric’ly opposed, foes
They emerge with a compromise, having opened doors that were previously closed”
2. Control The Situation
“Well, I arrange the meeting / I arrange the menu, the venue, the seating.”
3. Stay Involved and Stay Relevant
“When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game
But you don’t get a win unless you play in the game”
4. Long-Term Planning Considerations
“God help and forgive me, I wanna build something that's gonna outlive me.”
5. Find Your “Why” or “Purpose”
“If you stand for nothing, Burr, then what will you fall for?”
6. Actively Listen & Collaboration
“Now how're you gonna get your debt plan through
I guess I'm gonna fin'ly have to listen to you.
7. Encourage Diversity of All Kinds
“Then Jefferson approaches with a dinner and invite
And Madison responds with Virginian insight……
The immigrant emerges with unprecedented financial power
A system he can shape however he wants
The Virginians emerge with the nation's capital
And here's the pièce de résistance.”
8. GSD: “Get Stuff Done” through “Grit Strength and Determination”
“Do whatever it takes to get my plan on the Congress floor.”
9. Concess Lesser Important Points for Resolution
“No one really knows how the Parties get to Yes
The pieces that are sacrificed in Ev’ry game of chess”
10. Be Involved in the Discussion, Participating Actively at the Table
"We Just Assume that it Happens / But no one else is in the room where it happens"
Copyright of “Room Where It Happens” lyrics belongs to The Walt Disney Company.